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News Media Critique-J1

News Media Critique

As I look at this grotesquely wrong article posted by Fox News and written by Brooke Singman ( I see many flaws in fact and many misconceptions about Single-Payer Medicare-for-All. When I look at an article I always check two things. Verification and Truth. These are two of the ten yardsticks to journalism. Let me break this article down for you.
According to the element number 1 (Truth), you should always tell the truth even it opposes your own point of view. This article doesn’t tell the whole truth. First, let me say that we already pay the most for healthcare in this country then any industrialized nation(per-capita). I think if the journalist didnt overreact as soon as they saw 32.6 trillion over ten years it wouldn’t have been a problem. I have seen many different estimations on Sanders’ Medicare for all bill, but this study really stuck out. First, the study is backed and funded by the very nasty and far right billionaire Koch brothers. Also, if Brooke Singman would have done more research, we would see that 3 other studies have found that the plan would cost less by billions(  Just right there she broke both elements I mentioned before.
There is one more thing journalist should have. Forum. This article doesnt have any public forum so people can either critique or applaud this article. This may not seem like a big deal, but it is.Every article should have a place for public opinion, and this simply did not.


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