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Response to Lily-J1

When reading Lily Wobbe’s blog I found some things that I disagree with. One specifically her blog titled” Trump: America's Last President?”  I think this blog was a bit of an overreaction on her part. Let me explain why.
When having this discussion we were just mentioning the point some journalist were making in Trump becoming  America’s last president. I do  agree that these so called journalist do over exaggerate the stories. Trump isn’t a fascist. Only people with extreme views believe such a thing.
Lily states “Let's dissect that. In order for Trump to be the last American president, total chaos and/or anarchy would essentially have to have consumed the U.S., whether this be by way of nuclear war, natural disasters, of just complete revolution among citizens. And we're a very long way from any of those happening to the degree that democracy in America collapse” . I disagree. To understand the United States politics you must go back. The downfall of America has been brewing for some time now. What i like to call modern history(1920-current) has seen the most change, the most havoc. First with the women's movement,then the Civil Rights Movement,the LGBTQ+ movement  that fighting hard for their rights. But, they do say what comes around goes back around in history. I’m starting to feel the sense that country is going down hill into revolution again to make better for ourselves and future generations. We the people are divided all over the place. Racism is ruining everything from jobs to just regular friendships. I don’t think it is a very long way from happening.
We have a president that goes and fights countries over Twitter. The people have every right to angry. Nuclear war is still a great possibility. We still have North Korea, Russia, Iran to deal with. With the president we have any of those countries could revolt against us any day. I hope never to see that day ever. I just think our president  isn’t grasping the idea that being president isn’t like running a business. 
The president is most certainly destroying our democratic processes. He said he would pardon himself. That is very dangerous. I think we need a president that can read the Constitution. He has fired FBI agent James Comey because he wouldn’t give him loyalty. Doesn’t that sound like corruption to you? Breaking his Constitutional powers?
This isn’t an easy issue to talk about. Lily I respect your dedication and hardwork to do your blog. Lastly, I respect your opinion, and hope for you to read this.


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